Thursday, May 22, 2014

Boo! :D

Hi everybody!! :D So WOW! I haven't posted in a LONG time!! I originally started this kid blog years ago... before all the mesh and cuteness that has since been released. I love being a kid avi and I absolutely adore how much creative content is out there these days for us kids! The options are limitless and being adorable is now easier than ever! I decided that since I am off from school for the summer and spending more time on SL, I'd start blogging some again. I can't promise it's going to be an every day thing... as I don't want my blog to turn in to a chore... because let's face it... that is no fun! :( BUT but but... I'm going to do my absolute best to bring a cute look to you guys here and there, that will make it worth checking my blog out! :D

For those that don't know me... I'm Spring. I role play a feisty "smart" three year old. I have an amazing family with much extension. I also have some pretty awesome friends and tons of really creative people in my sLife that are constantly releasing amazing content, that the whole grid needs to see! I have been in the kid community for ... gosh... way back when you had to wear "prim clothing" to cover up your very weird contorted tummy! (for those that remember those days... you are now cringing... I know it! xD) I enjoy making new friends and I absolutely am the definition of girly. Expect to see LOTS of pink! Anyway, if you ever have any problem finding something in my posts or just want to say hi... IM me inworld @ Spring Shelter.


(I will only blog what I am wearing one time. Another words... going forward, if my next post has the same skin, I won't be reblogging it.)

Body: **Cute Bytes**  ~ToddleeDoo - BabyGirl (v.2.8)
Hands: **Cute Bytes**  ~ToddleeDoo - HandPoses (v.2.7)

Mouth: [PXL] OpenMouth Pro v2.0 (kid add on pack)

Hair: [ Love Soul ] Hair*121*Jet Black

Earrings: t.O. Tarty Lime Earrings
Woodland Treasures Gatcha Event

Skin: ROZENA ~Nana~ natural pink

Eyes: [AMITOMO] EYE03-Sky

Eyebrows: [Buzz] *Tint Inc* Yoona Eyebrows - Greyscales

Dress/Shoes/Glasses/Bow: That's So {Kyoot} - Kimberly

What's on top of my head?

+Spellbound+ Unicorn Headdress // Mist
The Fantasy Gacha

What's in my hand?

*. emm ; miss minnie
Woodland Treasures Gatcha Event